Tuesday, 19 June 2012



Have you ever seen a Ghost?

I would like to know your experiences of seeing Spirits.

I have had many spirit experience. My first time I saw one and actually realising it was when I was 16. I was on my way to see Paul Young in concert at the Royal Court Theatre in Liverpool. My friend Nikki's stepfather had died the week before and we were unsure whether she would turn up or not. The plan was to meet up with Nikki and our other friend, David outside the theatre at 6.30pm. I arrived in the city centre early at 5.30 and started walking through town.

I started walking up Roe Street Giratory, it is now called Queens Square. It was a car park back in 1983. It was extraordinarily quiet for that time of day and there was no one around and only a few cars in the car park. As I walked up towards the theatre I saw a man walking towards me. When he reached me he smiled in acknowledgement and I smiled back. As he stepped past me I realised that it was my friends stepfather and spun around, there was no one there and no way he could have got into a car or anything because the nearest car was about a minutes walk away. I looked around but it was totally deserted.

I realised I had seen his ghost. I walked in amazement to the theatre and 20 minutes later David arrived. I told him what had happened and we agreed not to tell Nikki just yet. I eventually told her and her mum 15 years later.

Let me know of your ghostly encounters for a new feature on here called Ghost Stories.


Friday, 15 June 2012


Do you believe in angels? 


I do 


When I am feeling down, I ask the angels to help me and I start feeling amazing. 


Maybe it is all in my head. That is what sceptics would say but does it really matter? If it makes me feel better, if it makes anyone feel better, does it matter whether it is real or not?

Sceptics do not like the idea that people can believe in something that cannot be proven by science. It does no harm to anyone yet they have to belittle people for their beliefs.

Like ghosts and spirits etc. In my opinion if anyone wants to believe in anything then that is fine. I believe in angels and it helps me to believe in them. If others want to believe in them and it helps them then that is fine. If people choose not to believe in Angels then that is fine also.

If you have had experiences of Angels helping you, either by saving you from an accident or warning you from something. Maybe you have seen an angel. I would love to hear of your experiences.

Love and Light to all