Wednesday, 6 March 2013


What are Earth Angels?

Earth Angels

Earth Angels are light workers who help and guide those around them onto their divine life path with their loving thoughts, kind advice and the messages they give from the spirit realm.


  Each one of us has a soul angel, basically, our higher selves. The  stronger we connect to our higher selves and the less we allow logic (ego) into our lives then the more we become Earth Angels.

Our soul angels are amazing and help us in our daily lives. They are always there, giving us nudges and helping us along our divine life path. They give us the answers when we need them in our dreams. 

Once we start listening to our soul angel we can connect to all the angels who help us in our hour of need. Sometimes we need to get the answers from the angels from others, through angel card readings or other methods. 

These are Earth Angels who have chosen to help deliver divine messages and give angelic guidance when needed. They spread love and light across the universe. There are also Earth Angels who help with health matters in the form of Reiki Healers or spiritual healers. They are helping with the work of Archangel Raphael.


List of known Earth Angels - Please feel free to tell me who you think are earth angels and I will gladly add them to the list.

Jenny Smedley -
Jacky Newcomb -
Alea Dawn Medium -

Laura Evans Medium -

Carole Schultz -

Julie Maria Webb

Doreen Virtue -

John Edward -


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