How it is difficult to explain when under pressure
How the press like to make out that people's beliefs are bad.
The story of William Roache's
A few weeks ago in the news, Coronation Street actor William Roache, had to make a public apology for what he said during a interview with a New Zealand TV crew.
If you watch the interview, he was pushed to answer a question which made what he said be misinterpreted. For many people who are spiritual developed or in development, it was understandable what he was trying to say but as always the press has put their own slant on the subject and made him look bad and ridiculed his spiritual belief.
Since writing this William Roache has been accused of raping a woman over 40 years ago. Now, if he is guilty of this hideous thing then I will be deleting this bit of the blog, but if he is innocent, as he claims he is, then I would like to ask this question. Do these people who are coming forward accusing well known TV figures of sex crimes years before, when it is not true, realise what they are doing and what harm they are doing to real rape cases? Is their craving for fame and money so bad that they would deliberately destroy innocent people? Just something to think about.
He is not the only one who has said something which has been misunderstood by the press.
Others who have fallen into the media trap are David Icke and Glenn
Hoddle. There were interviewed and were misinterpreted. They were made
to look like they were crazy and ridiculed.
I am not saying that they were right in what they said, but that they had the right idea. What I am saying is that it was very wrong for the press to push him to explain something in a few minutes something that a good few hours to explain.
When you see bad things happening around you and people suffering it is difficult to understand at times why these people have to suffer hardship, illness, awful crimes and tragic loss. It is hard when you are young and see your parent getting drunk and shouting a lot every day and not being able to stop them. It is difficult when your child is born disabled or you have accidents and end up disabled. It is awful when a loved one is killed in a crime or tragic accident. The trauma of sexual abuse is awful for anyone to have to suffer.
You ask the higher source (God) "Why" but never get an answer.
It is hard to cope with what life throws at you at times. There is no good answer to the question "why". it just is and we have to accept things and get on with things. In the cases of sexual abuse, rape, murder and other crimes and some tragic accidents you can only hope that justice is done and that the criminals are sentenced accordingly.
Spiritual explanations for why people suffer in this life.
What celebrities and those in the public eye sometime try to do is explain in a spiritual way why these things happen. It is a complex and highly controversial subject and because the subject covers sensitive issues it is always misinterpreted by the press and media. Then the charities jump on it and accuse the celebrity and public figure of being insensitive, cruel, ridiculous, callous and blacken their name in the worst way.
For some, the idea of past lives is totally unacceptable as there is no proof. The idea of past lives having an affect on our present life is even more unacceptable. This is because it comes across as that we are in a way being punished. This is not true.
Each incarnation we have we agree with our guides and The Source to learn various lessons and experience different life events. Of course when we get down here we forget what we have agreed to learn and experience. We go through life looking for our 'meaning' of life and life purpose.
Have you ever had the 'What am I here for?' thought cross your mind? This is our 'human' self, being told by our higher selves that there is a reason we are here and work to be done. Of course then the left half of our brains 'Logic and reason' also known as our ego, gets in the way and puts doubt, fear, anxiety etc in our minds and this gets in the way of our spiritual progress.
Our spiritual side (the right side of the brain), does everything it can to get us on the right life path. Then when the lessons begin, there is a constant battle within us. For instance, when we experience someone close to us passing over we can become overcome with grief. We feel anger, depression, guilt, pain and numerous other feelings that make us feel like we are about to explode. We ask ourselves 'Why?' and miss our loved ones terribly.
If we look at the bigger picture and realise that our bodies are just the shell that the soul uses to live in this incarnation then we can accept that our loved ones have not really left us, yes their body is no longer here but their spirit will always be with us. We will miss our loved ones bodily, that goes without saying.
Basically it is how we react to the 'bad' things that happen in our lives. If we accept things both good and bad will happen in our lives then that's half the lesson learned. Yes, it is very difficult, especially where rape, abuse, murder and other crimes are involved. However, what does reacting badly do, realistically? It does not do anything to the culprit. All it does is mess with our minds and makes us feel frustrated, angry and completely devoid of hope, faith and trust.
If we just accept it happened, we cannot change what happened but we can do something, maybe try to help others who are going through similar situations. We also grow spiritually and we can move forward with a positive outlook and our hope, trust and faith in tact.
Sometimes the things that happen in our lives are just experiences for us to learn and grow. Even the most horrendous events, have a lesson behind them. It is not as the press try to make out that Mr Roache said.
Things that happen are not 'asked for' or 'deserved' or even 'punishment'. They are just events thrown at us to learn from. Look at the Titanic disaster. So many people lost their lives on that tragic day. All because the ship lacked equipment and lifeboats. So a huge lesson was learned and now all cruise liners must have enough lifeboats and every ship has adequate equipment.
Everything that happens, even the worst disasters, have lessons for those affected and also governments, companies and officials. We need to accept this to be able to let go of the negative feelings that surround us when the awful things happen.
Before anyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts saying that I do not know what I am talking about and that I have had an easy life. I do not know what it is like to be a victim etc. I would like it known that I was born with an illness that has caused me to be in terrible pain for most of my life. I was a victim to the mental and emotional abuse of my father. I have lost loved ones and friends. I have come through all this and even though I am in pain most of the time, I smile and do my best to cheer up those around me and help in any way I can.
That is all we can do in this world. Share a smile and spread joy and help as many as we can.Try not to judge others for their beliefs and above all, learn to love yourself.
Thank you.
If you do not agree with any of what I have said then please feel free to send me your views and criticisms so that I can defend myself.
Love and Light