Saturday, 19 October 2013

Angels Listen

Question: Why do the angels not help me?

A. They do but you have to ask for their help. Sometimes we can make the mistake of not asking the angels and expect them to help us. In the infinite rules, angels and spirits cannot help us unless we request their help.

Q. It doesn't seem like they are helping me

A. When the help does come it can be in all sorts of forms,
  • a songs lyrics could be a message of guidance; 
  • a person may turn up who does you a good deed;
  • A sudden thought may pop into your head
  • you may dream something that is an answer to your plea for help.
Q. So why do I feel so alone and unhappy all the time?

A. There are 3 things that you are not doing which are essential to your angels communication with you.

  1. You are not trusting what the angels are sending you. Trust is everything in spiritual development 
  2. You are having problems with accepting their help due to lack of trust
  3. You do not believe that it is as simple as that and allow yourself to 'think' too much. This blocks you from hearing your angels.

Trust, accept and believe are the 3 things that you must learn to do.

Q. So why do bad things happen in my life?

A. When we go through 'dark' times, it is a time to learn things. When someone close to us passes in a sudden way (murder etc) it can bring out the worst in us. ie in the case of a murder, we may want to see the perpetrator dead as well or to suffer in a horrendous way. Mostly we want justice for our loved ones.

Sometimes we just cannot accept that they have left us and take on a guilt complex (all part of the grieving process) however we get used to feeling sad and miserable and find comfort in it in a strange sort of way. The lesson we need to learn when this happens is to let go.

I will continue with this blog in the future. If you have any questions then please ask. And I will endeavour to answer them.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Angels in songs


Many songwriters have come up with lyrics about angels. Mainly inspired by the angelic realm, to help give us hope and love.

So how many songs have the word Angels in their title?

See how many you can think of now, off the top of your head.

Other ways angels like to spread their message of love is to have just a small mention during a song. So how many songs can you think of that mention Angels in their lyrics?

Go on, see how many you can think of.

Song entitled with the word Angel in them

Angels - Robbie Williams
'Angel' ~ Fleetwood Mac {Stevie Nicks} **
'Angel' ~ The Jimi Hendrix Experience
'Sleeping Angel' ~ Stevie Nicks
'Angel of the Morning' ~ PP Arnold
'Angel' ~ Sarah McLachlan
'There Must Be an Angel (Playing with My Heart)' ~ Eurythmics
'Angel' ~ Cassandra Wilson
'Black Angel' ~ The Cult
'Angel' ~ Eurythmics
'Street Angel' ~ Stevie Nicks
"He Keeps Sending Me Angels" by Delbert McClinton
 Solar Angels" - Judas Priest
 Angel from Montgomery" - John Prine
 Sweet Black Angel" - The Rolling Stones
 Angels" - Within Temptation
"Angels Losing Sleep" - Our Lady Peace
"Angel" - Amanda Perez
"Angel Of The Morning" - Juice Newton
"Angel Of Mine" - Monica
"Like The Angel" - Rise Against
"Concrete Angel" - Martina McBride
"Gothic Angel" - Avril Lavigne
"Evil Angel" - Breaking Benjamin
 Heaven Must be Missing an Angel-Tavares.

These are just a few and if you can think of any more please let me know.

Songs mentioning Angels in the lyrics

I have a Dream - Abba

Please let me know of any more songs that mention Angels

Angel Links

We all love angels:

We are bought up with the story of the Angel Gabriel coming down to let the virgin Mary know that she was to have a baby and then going to Joseph to say that he is to be the earthly father of the son of God.

We have the image of a beautiful being with wings that spread out to protect and guide us. So when we see an angel, what do we see?

Well it can be like the image that we bought up imagining an angel looks like or an angel can just look like a person but glowing with an amazing loving energy. 


I decided I would put some links on to Angel related web sites and facebook pages/groups so if you would like to enter your site, page or group then please let me know and I will enter it below.




Monday, 8 April 2013



Sunday 25th August
Inspire others everyday with just a single word

Monday 29th July
A smile can be all it needs to make someone's day.

Sunday 16th June
Take joy in the simple things in life, like the wind blowing through the trees, rustling the leafy branches.

Saturday 20 April
Let go of the past as looking back only means that you stop going forward.

Monday 8th April
If you receive a kind gesture, be sure to pass that kindness on to someone else who needs it.
Look around and you will see your angels love in every tiny beautiful thing you see in the sky.

Sunday 7th April
Listen out for the sound of angels singing

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Angel of the Day



20th June : Jenny Smedley angel whispers card 


Thursday 16th May: Angel from the Doreen Virtue Message from the angels card deck


Rosetta - You have a gift for working with young people and your Divine purpose involves helping or teaching or parenting children.

You may have been wondering what you should do in your life. Rosetta is here to remind you that you have an affinity with children and young people. This is a good path to take, helping those in need of help. Your youthful outlook means that you draw children towards you. If you are looking for a new job then perhaps you could look into this as an occupation. Or it could mean a child in your circle needs to talk to someone to help guide them.



Tuesday 14th May: Angel from the Jenny Smedley Angel Whispers cards.

RELEASE: Allow yourself to let go and become detatched.

In life, there are times when we become so weighed down with things that have happened in our life that it tends to block our true view of situations and holds us back. This beautiful angel would like you to know that it is time to stop living in the past and let go of all your worries and bad memories from the past. Ask her to take these ties to the past away and to help you see that all that has happened has made you a stronger more positive person. You are well loved in the angelic realms and the angels would like to help you as much as they can but they cannot help unless you ask them.  

Friday 10th May Angel from 

Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards "Let Go" 

Holding on to things is not good for our spiritual growth. It can hold you back. This card encourages you to have the courage to move on and let go of things that are holding you back. This could be a relationship that you have grown apart from or a situation that has happened in the past. The past has gone and now is the time to accept that what happened has come to pass. You cannot change what happened but you can learn to accept that it no longer has any relevance in your life.





Sorry I have not updated this for a while, it has been a hectic time for this angel. 


Sunday 21st April, Angel from Jenny Smedley Angel Whisper cards

Dream - Fantasy and imagination are communication with your higher self

When we dream we tend to think nothing of what we dream of. Our dreams are the connection we have to our higher selves. It is through our dreams, thoughts and imagination that we get messages. Our higher self guides us mostly when we dream and help by giving symbols in our dreams to let us know what we are supposed to be learning in this life.


Saturday 20th April, Angel from Doreen Virtue Healing with the angels Oracle cards.

New Beginnings

What is done is done, let go of the past and start again. Try not to let what has happened in the past get you down. You cannot change anything that has come to pass but you can change how you react to what happens. Learn to accept things have happened for a reason that may not be clear now but things only happen for our higher good.  
Now is a good time to start afresh and try and forgive those who have hurt you in the past. As it only affects you and not those who hurt. 


Friday 19th April, angel from Doreen Virtue Message from the Angels Oracle Cards

Chantall - New romance is imminent- either with a newcomer or through reignited passion in your existing relationship. Be open to giving and receiving love.

The Beatles said in a song 'All you need is Love' but to receive love you must be able to love yourself first. The angels want you to know that to love yourself is the greatest achievement anyone can do and you deserve to love yourself. So let this new romance be with yourself.


Thursday 18th April, angel from Jenny Smedley Angel Whisper Cards


Don't allow yesterdays troubles to ruffle the waters of today.

Let go of the past and look forward to the future. Do not dread the problems but look at them as a hurdle that can and will be climbed over




Saturday 13th April angel : from Doreen Virtue Healing with the Angels Oracle Deck

Playfulness -  go through the day with a sense of fun. Let your inner child shine through today and spread happiness. Life is Love and love is good. Smile and you will see the smile spread across the world.





Friday 12th April Angel: from Doreen Virtue 

Archangel Raguel: Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion and see underlying order.

Thursday 11th April Angel: from Jenny Smedley's Angel Whispers cards. Conviction 

What is it your heart desires? Have conviction in your thoughts and realise that your spirit is all powerful. You can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Wednesday 10th April angel from Doreen Virtue Messages from your Angel Oracle Deck.

 Maya - schooling, study and education help your life's purpose and personal growth at time. the angels will guide you and help you with this process.

When we learn, we grow. That is how it has always been since childhood. Now as adults, we still need to learn and grow as our spiritual side develops. Most of us require a need to learn to love ourselves. This is one of the hardest lessons we ever learn. Meditate and listen to your Angels as they communicate through thoughts, dreams and intuition. They will help you for your higher good. 





Tuesday 9th April angel from Doreen Virtue Archangel Oracle Deck.

Crystal-clear Intentions

Archangel Michael:

Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith.


Monday 8th April angel from the Doreen Virtue Deck Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards.

Meditation is very important for you right now. enjoy practising it often.

Meditation can help you reduce stress and for you to connect to your angels



Sunday 7th April angel from the Doreen Virtue Deck Messages from Your Angels is

New Psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view the world and yourself. Allow your spiritual gifts to open - through study, prayer and Meditation.

Trust your intuition, Accept that everything happens for your higher good and Believe in the power of YOU. We all have the ability to meditate and connect with our angels and spirit guides. 

Friday, 5 April 2013

Angels and our dream messages

Angels and Dream Messages

There are times when angels do their best to get their voices heard to pass us messages. 

Sometimes this happens when we dream. Our angels give us messages during our dream-time. So it is always best to keep a note book and pen next to your bed so when you awake from dreams and you can remember it. Write it down and you get your messages from the angels.

Links to help you

Wednesday, 20 March 2013



How it is difficult to explain when under pressure

How the press like to make out that people's beliefs are bad.

The story of William Roache's

A few weeks ago in the news, Coronation Street actor William Roache, had to make a public apology for what he said during a interview with a New Zealand TV crew.

If you watch the interview, he was pushed to answer a question which made what he said be misinterpreted. For many people who are spiritual developed or in development, it was understandable what he was trying to say but as always the press has put their own slant on the subject and made him look bad and ridiculed his spiritual belief.

Since writing this William Roache has been accused of raping a woman over 40 years ago. Now, if he is guilty of this hideous thing then I will be deleting this bit of the blog, but if he is innocent, as he claims he is, then I would like to ask this question. Do these people who are coming forward accusing well known TV figures of sex crimes years before, when it is not true, realise what they are doing and what harm they are doing to real rape cases? Is their craving for fame and money so bad that they would deliberately destroy innocent people? Just something to think about.

He is not the only one who has said something which has been misunderstood by the press.

Others who have fallen into the media trap are David Icke and Glenn Hoddle. There were interviewed and were misinterpreted. They were made to look like they were crazy and ridiculed.

I am not saying that they were right in what they said, but that they had the right idea. What I am saying is that it was very wrong for the press to push him to explain something in a few minutes something that a good few hours to explain.

When you see bad things happening around you and people suffering it is difficult to understand at times why these people have to suffer hardship, illness, awful crimes and tragic loss. It is hard when you are young and see your parent getting drunk and shouting a lot every day and not being able to stop them. It is difficult when your child is born disabled or you have accidents and end up disabled. It is awful when a loved one is killed in a crime or tragic accident. The trauma of sexual abuse is awful for anyone to have to suffer.

You ask the higher source (God) "Why" but never get an answer.

It is hard to cope with what life throws at you at times. There is no good answer to the question "why". it just is and we have to accept things and get on with things. In the cases of sexual abuse, rape, murder and other crimes and some tragic accidents you can only hope that justice is done and that the criminals are sentenced accordingly.

Spiritual explanations for why people suffer in this life.

What celebrities and those in the public eye sometime try to do is explain in a spiritual way why these things happen. It is a complex and highly controversial subject and because the subject covers sensitive issues it is always misinterpreted by the press and media. Then the charities jump on it and accuse the celebrity and public figure of being insensitive, cruel, ridiculous, callous and blacken their name in the worst way.

For some, the idea of past lives is totally unacceptable as there is no proof. The idea of past lives having an affect on our present life is even more unacceptable. This is because it comes across as that we are in a way being punished. This is not true.

Each incarnation we have we agree with our guides and The Source to learn various lessons and experience different life events. Of course when we get down here we forget what we have agreed to learn and experience. We go through life looking for our 'meaning' of life and life purpose.

Have you ever had the 'What am I here for?' thought cross your mind? This is our 'human' self, being told by our higher selves that there is a reason we are here and work to be done. Of course then the left half of our brains 'Logic and reason' also known as our ego, gets in the way and puts doubt, fear, anxiety etc in our minds and this gets in the way of our spiritual progress.

Our spiritual side (the right side of the brain), does everything it can to get us on the right life path. Then when the lessons begin, there is a constant battle within us. For instance, when we experience someone close to us passing over we can become overcome with grief. We feel anger, depression, guilt, pain and numerous other feelings that make us feel like we are about to explode. We ask ourselves 'Why?' and miss our loved ones terribly.

If we look at the bigger picture and realise that our bodies are just the shell that the soul uses to live in this incarnation then we can accept that our loved ones have not really left us, yes their body is no longer here but their spirit will always be with us. We will miss our loved ones bodily, that goes without saying.

Basically it is how we react to the 'bad' things that happen in our lives. If we accept things both good and bad will happen in our lives then that's half the lesson learned. Yes, it is very difficult, especially where rape, abuse, murder and other crimes are involved. However, what does reacting badly do, realistically? It does not do anything to the culprit. All it does is mess with our minds and makes us feel frustrated, angry and completely devoid of hope, faith and trust.

If we just accept it happened, we cannot change what happened but we can do something, maybe try to help others who are going through similar situations. We also grow spiritually and we can move forward with a positive outlook and our hope, trust and faith in tact.

Sometimes the things that happen in our lives are just experiences for us to learn and grow. Even the most horrendous events, have a lesson behind them. It is not as the press try to make out that Mr Roache said.

Things that happen are not 'asked for' or 'deserved' or even 'punishment'. They are just events thrown at us to learn from. Look at the Titanic disaster. So many people lost their lives on that tragic day. All because the ship lacked equipment and lifeboats. So a huge lesson was learned and now all cruise liners must have enough lifeboats and every ship has adequate equipment.

Everything that happens, even the worst disasters, have lessons for those affected and also governments, companies and officials. We need to accept this to be able to let go of the negative feelings that surround us when the awful things happen.

Before anyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts saying that I do not know what I am talking about and that I have had an easy life. I do not know what it is like to be a victim etc. I would like it known that I was born with an illness that has caused me to be in terrible pain for most of my life. I was a victim to the mental and emotional abuse of my father. I have lost loved ones and friends. I have come through all this and even though I am in pain most of the time, I smile and do my best to cheer up those around me and help in any way I can.

That is all we can do in this world. Share a smile and spread joy and help as many as we can.Try not to judge others for their beliefs and above all, learn to love yourself.

Thank you.

If you do not agree with any of what I have said then please feel free to send me your views and criticisms so that I can defend myself.

Love and Light

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


What are Earth Angels?

Earth Angels

Earth Angels are light workers who help and guide those around them onto their divine life path with their loving thoughts, kind advice and the messages they give from the spirit realm.


  Each one of us has a soul angel, basically, our higher selves. The  stronger we connect to our higher selves and the less we allow logic (ego) into our lives then the more we become Earth Angels.

Our soul angels are amazing and help us in our daily lives. They are always there, giving us nudges and helping us along our divine life path. They give us the answers when we need them in our dreams. 

Once we start listening to our soul angel we can connect to all the angels who help us in our hour of need. Sometimes we need to get the answers from the angels from others, through angel card readings or other methods. 

These are Earth Angels who have chosen to help deliver divine messages and give angelic guidance when needed. They spread love and light across the universe. There are also Earth Angels who help with health matters in the form of Reiki Healers or spiritual healers. They are helping with the work of Archangel Raphael.


List of known Earth Angels - Please feel free to tell me who you think are earth angels and I will gladly add them to the list.

Jenny Smedley -
Jacky Newcomb -
Alea Dawn Medium -

Laura Evans Medium -

Carole Schultz -

Julie Maria Webb

Doreen Virtue -

John Edward -


Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Angelic Guidance

Lynn Kilpatrick

Angel Card and Rune Reader, Psychic/Medium

Phone : 07776 116995


Based in Liverpool UK

Hello all, I am Angel Elise and I am a Psychic/Medium from Liverpool UK.

I read Angel Cards and Runes.


My prices are very reasonable:-

Angel Card Readings

£2.50 for 3 cards
£5 for 5 a card reading
£10 for a 7 Cards

Rune Reading

£5 for a 3 Rune reading

All payable by Cheque or by Paypal

Please Email me to book or for more information

or you can visit my facebook page

or my facebook group

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Losing a Loved One

 Losing a Loved One

It can be hard when you lose someone who meant the world to you. Whether it’s a grandparent, parent, partner, child or grandchild, it doesn’t matter how much time you spend with the person, the bond of love means that you feel this gut wrenching feeling of grief.


You feel like your own life is going to end. You want to scream and shout “WHY”. You want to just scream at everyone who offers comforting words to “go away and leave me alone”. Yet you feel that no one really understands. 


We have all felt like this when we have lost someone. I lost my grandmother in April 2012. She was my world, she was not just my Nan; she was also my best friend, my confidant and the one person in the whole world who could make things all right. I was her carer for the last 13 years of her life and there were times where my mum felt pushed out because of the bond between us.

It broke my heart when she passed away; I felt pain like I had never felt before. I thought it was bad when my Grandad passed but this was awful. I couldn’t function properly, just going to the shops made me burst into tears. I was a wreck.

I went through every emotion I could go through. I even had a panic attack when in a shopping centre in town. My blood pressure went berserk. My psychic ability was blocked temporarily while I grieved. I ended up seeking the help from my Doctor, he put me on antidepressants for a year. It did help but after a few months of being on them I wanted to stop as I felt I did not need them any more. Doctor persuaded me to stay on them for th
e full 12 months. So I did, then just on the 12 month mark I became ill and doctor took me off the anti depressants because they would have affected the treatment for the illness I had.


Then you have the problems caused by other members of family. Silly things like petty jealousy, caused by selfish thoughts which are also caused by grief. They want to hit out just like you so a mini war breaks out within the families concerned. This doesn’t help your own grieving process. If anything it makes you feel more isolated and hurt.


What we tend to block out is the fact that we are not alone in how we feel. There are others who are going through or have gone through the same thing. There’s always someone ready to listen, to understand. Also, those neighbours, friends and family who say what we feel are insensitive remarks; don’t really mean to hurt, but to comfort.

I know just after my Nan passed, someone said, “91? Well she had a good innings.” Inside I was screaming back, “STOP! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THIS” as in my eyes even if she had lived until she was 191 it still wouldn’t have been a ‘good innings’. I dislike that saying so much as it just dismisses her life and compares it to a cricket match. Yet on the outside I remained calm and nodded. Not because I felt calm inside but because I felt numb.

These are all natural stages of the grieving process and everyone goes through it. Even when they do not look like they are grieving, some bury it deeply so as to either not put their feelings onto others or just because they are in denial.

The numbness will ease off slowly and then the pain will start to seep in again. But this time it will be easier for you to handle. Just remember that there are many groups out there to help you. Your GP surgery can help too. 

Love and light